Eastbloc Dispatches is the podcast for the Eastbloc culture you’re missing

From DJ and journalist Andra Amber Nikolayi, the Eastbloc Dispatches podcast is your pass to all the culture you could easily miss out on elsewhere, from central, eastern, and southeastern Europe, and various parts of the world recovering from the Soviet Union. And it’s full of terrific conversations.

Ars Electronica, in scale from microcosm to epic, examines a planet on the edge

Ars Electronica is vast – and this year doubly so, as it tackled topics from planetary climate down to microscopic microcosms. So we turn to guest contributor Sofy Yuditskaya aka The Source, media artist and educator, to navigate highlights and insights from the landmark media festival.

Sofy Yuditskaya - September 21, 2022

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