Not Just Stuttering: Fraction Plug-in Slices Sound Live on Mac

Fraction by Sinevibes video demo from Sinevibes on Vimeo. Sinevibes has been on a roll lately. The one-man Mac plug-in shop keeps churning out elegant, attractive plug-ins with a consistent color-coded visual interface, variations on a theme that invariably include clever twists. And now, this. Fraction isn’t the first slice repeater plug-in. But it might […]

iZotope Stutter Edit: Can you Make BT Software Performances a Product?

Hardware greatly eclipsed software among music tech announcements and last week’s NAMM trade show. But the one software release that has been generating buzz amongst producers may be iZotope’s Stutter Edit. BT told me in an interview some years ago about how he was using software in beta that he said would change the world, […]

- January 19, 2011

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