Audio Damage Replicant plug-in rebuilt in v3, looks great, does way more than stutter

Replicant 3 might be the most unique of Audio Damage’s entire stable of plug-ins. The new version is rebuilt from the ground up, comes packed with new slice effects, and yet has a more capable, cleaner UI. It might just be the kind of software update that re-launches IDM as a genre.

Watch Audio Damage Replicant 2 make stuttering fun again

A classic beat slicer/repeater plug-in effect is about to get a sequel – and with just this one video, we’re already sold.

Peter Kirn - July 20, 2017

Not Just Stuttering: Fraction Plug-in Slices Sound Live on Mac

Fraction by Sinevibes video demo from Sinevibes on Vimeo. Sinevibes has been on a roll lately. The one-man Mac plug-in shop keeps churning out elegant, attractive plug-ins with a consistent color-coded visual interface, variations on a theme that invariably include clever twists. And now, this. Fraction isn’t the first slice repeater plug-in. But it might […]

Peter Kirn - May 13, 2015

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