Fusions too often prove superficial or homogenize traditional elements into an empty blur. Not so in the new outing from Behrouz Pashaei, who draws deep from the well of his exceptional traditional Iranian musicianship, interweaving it into a new, emotional electroacoustic direction on Encounter.
Read moreWith insistent phasing tones ringing in your ears in phasing, tense microtonal tunings, sawing timbres in the background, Sote’s Ministry of Tall Tales for SVBKVLT opens immediately with deep-inflicted wounds. The artist Ata Ebtekar talks to us about desperate mental states as we try to share that pain with the video for “Lips Seeking the Forbidden.”
As an Iranian diaspora meets overlooked German scenes – as Cologne artists play alongside Iranian artists making unique appearances in Europe – Timcheh is another meeting point of new sound beyond borders. It’s in Cologne this week, but here’s some don’t-miss music if you can’t make it in person.
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