The rise of the audiovisualist: Tarik Barri regularly takes the stage with Thom Yorke and contributed to the Grammy-nominated Anima. And now, here’s his work and the chance to ask him anything.

Tarik will hit the infamous Reddit AMA on the Radiohead channel Tuesday the 26th, if you’ve got burning questions. But let’s have a look first at his work:

A video interview on his work, on the fantastic live visual QA documentary series Psst:

Perhaps the best way to see his partnership with Thom Yorke is in this video on the Jimmy Kimmel show:

Working with the amazing Iranian artist Sote, he produced an AV collaboration:

His collab with Lea Fabrikant is also into a new iteration:

And lastly, a trailer for ANIMA, for which he did projections (and which you can check on Netflix, natch):

Have at it tomorrow: