We’ve gotten our hands and ears on Erica Synths’ new drum machine. And it’s every bit as brutal and dirty as expected. Our friends at Motobor Instruments record it properly – go watch.
I mean, hell yes. Let’s drop all this “I guess I’m supposed to write about music and creative technology for a living or whatever” business and go JAM. AND. DANCE. WITH. THIS. AS. LOUD. AS. POSSIBLE.
“Instant favorite drumsynth” seems a good label.
Oh, and since the images I posted yesterday were mock-ups, here are some real-world photos. The real thing looks like the render – that is, really gorgeous. And I have to say, this looks more instantly playable and portable than the Techno System from Erica, but with a lot of the same beautifully angry sound quality. Just add a bassline, and you’re techno-ready.
The color looks beautiful in person. It also seems to be that all of us are in white balance hell, so I won’t even try to calibrate the correct color for you here. Just… trust me.
No, I don’t know what happened to the joystick that was in an image that leaked; that’s why I tend to avoid publishing too many leaks. That MeeBlip we made with a cupholder and cigarette lighter will sadly never see the light of day, either. But this is real and lovely. Paldies, Erica.

Previously – more on the specs and design: