With electronic sounds like no others, Detroit legends Underground Resistance are treating us to a massive lineup of news. While this likely got drowned out by war, it’s worth visiting, as UR dropped the news at Black-organized festival Dweller last week in New York.
And it seems just the time to have Underground Resistance in the world. There is just a lot of news here. Let’s be seated for the UR keynote.

Big plans are on for Detroit in May with Tresor after a COVID hiatus. Movement plans got lost with everything else, but they’re back on for 28th of May 2022. And what a lineup – Tresor Berlin teams up with Daniel Bell at Tangent Gallery / Hastings Street Ballroom, and you get Wavejumpers, Anthony Shake Shakir, Claude Young, Ectomorph, Batu, Boyz II Them, Whodat, and Israel Vines.

The new project Mano De Fuego links Tijuana to Detroit. Gerardo Cedillo (Freerange Records, Vicario Musique) passes on this new creation, and it sounds fantastic:
For the last 3 years, we’ve been working on a project called Mano de Fuego alongside our lifetime music heros… UNDERGROUND RESISTANCE. We are honored to announce our forthcoming release self titled “Mano de Fuego EP” with the code of UR095, which it was created after spending a month in Detroit and in our hometown, Tijuana. Inspired on our Aztec ancestors and the HI TECH sound of the future. We want to thank Mad Mike Banks, Cornelius Harris, BJ Smyth, Dan Caballero, John Collins, Jonathan Ortiz, our family for contributing for this record coming to life. Eternally grateful to work with our favorite record label in the WORLD! UR POR VIDA!
The personnel is Gerardo and his brother Emanuel Cedillo Ramírez, who make the duo Soul of Hex, in a new iteration.
“This spiritual shamanistic electronic music will take your spirit forward up and over whatever is in your way. Dance with relatives from the past, the present & the future, learn who UR.”
UR Presenta Mano De FUEGO.

The life aquatic – sunken treasure brings us back to the world of Drexciya. Obviously “Wavejumpers” is going to be Drexciya-related – see the ’94 Aquatic Invasion track. Now we’re under the sea again – “The Spawn has escaped. Wavejumpers spotted off the coast of Scotland. Can you decode The Sound that lurks in the fog?” And of course you’ll get to hear this project in Detroit in May, too. More, also due this spring, strange vinyl production backlogs willing:
(Another hint they let slip this month – “Aquatic Justice will be soon be served to protect the life giving Oceans of the planet and unify dancefloors on the surface world as well as below!! Maybe you can decode the maps and find THE SOUND………UR-097.”)

“Dancefloor prophecies for humanity.” We also get spoken word artist Mike Ellison with an additional EP called Covalence, complete with Mark Flash remix on it. Hmm, not sure exactly how it’s working from the UK but I guess I can get the best shipping rate if I buy all three, huh?

Mad Mike reissue out now. Mike Banks is a hero to so many of us, and if I didn’t say this was a reissue of a 2004 release and you didn’t know it, you’d easily believe it was new material. It’s the single “Windchime” and while the others are on preorder, this one is in stock right now. The b-side is a rarity too…

UR aren’t just sending out press releases or something; they’ve also been busy making their presence felt at Dweller, and delivered a a fresh mix for NTS Radio to celebrate, too. We get “Dweller Electronics” – Amplified Black Secrecy ft. Underground Resistance & Dark Matter Objects, and this explanation:
“‘Amplified Black Secrecy’ sounds like somewhat of a contradiction but when that groove hits you, that’s all you need you to know.”
Visit them virtually:
No new samples up, but turn the clock back a bit for this as it’s also great stuff: