Richard Colvaen – ‘Polimetria’ from Vlek Data on Vimeo.

We enter worlds imaginary and realist, visual work in music videos and documentary and iPad user interfaces, today with our Belgian friends from Vlek.

At top, a surrealist music video to Richard Volvean’s track “Polimetria.” I try to stay away from Belgian women, myself; they’re always pulling me into alternate dimensions and turning me into geometric pendants and s***. (Maybe I don’t want to be a necklace today, okay?)

From late last year:

Track taken off Vlek05 – AMAI#3/4 split 7″ feat. DZA, Herrmutt Lobby & Richard Colvaen.
Stream the 7″ here:
November 14, 2012 on Vlek Records, Belgium.

This video was premiered on XLR8R:

What I appreciate about label Vlek and collective Herrmutt Lobby is the way they’re crossing media, all connecting back to what they’re trying to express in their music. So, on Create Digital Music today, we follow them down two paths. In one, we trace their footsteps from Brussels to Lithuania, in weather cold enough that you can watch the video on repeat if your air conditioning isn’t up to par today:
A Warmer Aspect: Follow Vlek From Brussels to Lithuania – And Off The Beat Grid

And, we also see those musical ideals and visual concepts translated to the interface of a very compelling-looking iPad controller app – equally suited to visual performance as music, of course. The draw is (ahem) drawing your own control layouts:
Beatsurfing: At Last, a Controller for iPad That Lets You Draw Layouts Onscreen, “Surf” Controls

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some alternate realities to get sucked into — it’s called lunch.