Thanks to everyone who’s writing in about VJ Day. It’s funny, conventional wisdom is that musicians don’t care about VJing, but here among the hip technorati of CDM, of course, things are different. And with VJing moving out of the “psychedelia” area into a range of aesthetics and styles, I expect you’ll hear more soon. Our friend James Polanco of the superb Fake Science Lab Report podcast writes in to tell us about some rising VJ superstars:
Mat Hale is a very close friend of mine that I have worked with on multiple events here in San Francisco when I was djing out all the time. Mat has also worked with his friend Vello on a ton of projects down in LA (and internationally). Sting’s tour, Jay-Z, etc. Vello is one of the founders of OVT out of Chicago that handled Rabbit in the Moons shows, all kinds of rave’s in the 90s and MOMA’s yearly event. Vello and Mat also did vid and installation work for Cirque Du Soleil & Zumanity Orchestra and Club Ice in Las Vegas. Vello is doing a ton of touring right now (just got off being Sasha’s VJ) and Mat is doing some local gigs around LA. Both are amazing, amazing producers that are creating next level content.
Indeed, for a great overview of what VJing is all about, check out Apple.com’s writeup of Vello. Thanks, James — other lurking VJs or Friends of VJs, give us a holler!