I’d be remiss on VJ Day if I didn’t point to some great sources of VJ information. Above all, the greatest out there is the terrific Website VJ Central. Think of it a bit like the EM411 of VJing; you’ll find discussion boards, articles, news (both of the product and event variety), calls for VJs, and (if you’re having trouble picking a tool), software reviews, plus a lot more.

While not strictly a VJ site, Video Thing certainly belongs among your RSS feeds for video-related oddities. (No, Music Thing is not becoming a franchise, though the blogger’s a friend of Tom’s.)

“But what about paper?” you say. For reading compatible with use on subways and toilets, you’ll have to wait for VJ-Book. It’s a promising project currently in seek of a publisher; in the mean time you can “beta test” as a reader.

Oh, yeah, and of course there’s this site, too. I should have more VJ-related coverage soon because of some projects I’m working on, but in the meantime check out a few of my previous stories:

Report from the LAVA VJ party in LA
“VST for video”: the FreeFame video plug-in format
Expensive video hardware: Korg Kaptivator, Edirol CG-8, and Pioneer DVJ-X1
Free software: Neuromixer for scratching with video
Profile of a VJ: Melissa Ulto, aka Mixxy

Got more favorite resources, or want to pimp your own blog / portfolio? Hit comments or drop me a line.