With the Olympics opening ceremony coming up, I’m sure there are some visualists right now in Beijing preparing for one of the biggest performances of their lives. Since 2004, generative video and projection mapping has come a long way, so I’m expecting we might see something completely bonkers in the next 12 or so hours.

I’m sure it’s no surprise to CDM readers that I’m not super keen on “outside“. It takes quite a lot of effort to get me in to a sporting mood, and AddictiveTV seem to have done the trick with their hyper-kinetic sampling techniques on this material for Adidas.

As reported by Coolhunting: This piece will be part of Adidas’ “Sport in Art” exhibition, at the Today Art Museum in Beijing for the games. Addictive TV will also be remixing live feeds of the games “for an Austrian television network”.

And if that’s not enough to get you in the mood for sport, then maybe some explosions will be more your speed.

Update: The Live TV Remix is happening on Austrian network ORF over the 16-17th. More information on shots.net.