Aside from cool aesthetic effects, projection mapping (mapping projection precisely onto real-world objects) and augmented reality (what you get when you add digital projections to your reality) can be useful.

So, while we’ve already seen plenty of projections on walls and floors, this is a projection on a climbing wall. It might seem silly, but climbers use other means of keeping track of which way to go. This provides multiple paths on the same wall without extraneous information. It’s a wall that can actually help teach you to climb, without someone at the bottom shouting at you. From the description:

iOO Climb turns every ordinary climbing wall into an augmented and interactive climbing experience. Thousands of boulders and routes can now be saved on a single wall, and browsed and played using a single remote control. Climbers can thus focus on their climbing experience, forgetting numbered stickers and colored stripes. Climbing routes are displayed only where and when it is needed.

Via Hacked Gadgets, and sent our way by Drew Atienza. (Thanks!)

I’m bad enough at climbing that I could probably use some projections giving me digital encouragement. Create Digital Exercise, anyone?