Keith, maker of a wearable wristwatch Theremin, sends his Ars Electronica-winning project Moving Mario. Yes, this is just the sort of thing you might think of, but not actually do. He did it:


It’s a gimmick, of course, but I really like the questions it raises. By making Mario’s virtual space physical, you really have to think about the universe the game creates. And as a person interested in the architecture of virtual spaces, it also makes me wonder what else might be possible. (I’m personally still waiting for Mirror’s Edge to hit the PC, though I’ve heard more motion sickness as the transcendent experience than some sort of new sense of virtual motion.)

What virtual spaces have inspired you – particularly as we look at ways of mapping digital projections back onto physical objects?

Remember, too, the gaming-themed art event Game On (with a call for your visualist works and loops) launches on November 22, Australian time. That gives you a few more days (until about the 19th) to get your work in to curator and CDMotion co-editor Jaymis.

Moving Mario project page [The Demos – a site full of other goodness]