The Zaquencer is a gift – an insanely powerful step sequencer that turns a used Behringer BCR2000 into a completely new piece of hardware. It’s a testament to the ingenuity of the underground music tech community – and a glimpse of how gear can come back to life rather than get thrown away. And now, it’s more powerful than ever.

The 1.5 release out today is all about things Zaquencer users asked for, so … if you are one, you probably are already on top of the firmware upgrade. But here’s what that is:

– remote controllability through Midi CCs
– monitoring function for tapwrite mode
– load patterns without affecting the mixer
– preview parameters without change

— for a start, anyway. That of course makes things far more playable. It’s easiest to see in video.

But this is also an excuse for us to talk about Zaquencer again. And to get you up to speed, here’s the original demo video (still applicable):

Congrats to dev Christian Stöcklmeier.