Tired of controller lock-in? Mixxx is a free DJ alternative; 2.4.2 out now

The free/FLOSS DJ tool Mixxx has quietly evolved into a powerful software DJ tool that rivals commercial alternatives. And it’s open to whatever hardware controller you want, thanks to developer and community support. The just-released 2.4.2 for Linux, macOS, and Windows builds on that with new and updated controller compatibility.

pulu: free Novation Nocturn resurrection, Mac OS 9 livecoding, happy jams!

Miranda (aka pulu) Finnish electronic artist and livecoder, is doing the archaic things others won’t. That includes bringing your Novation Nocturn back from the dead, using ancient versions of SuperCollider on iBooks and Mac OS 9, and sharing some truly happy jams.

Peter Kirn - August 8, 2024

Make your Apple Watch into a wireless MIDI controller: MidiWrist Unleashed

Put your Apple Watch to work. MidiWrist Unleashed transforms the device into a standalone Bluetooth MIDI controller, complete with touch and motion controls, for use with your Mac, iPad and iPhone apps, and even Bluetooth LE devices.

Peter Kirn - May 2, 2024

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