Hearing synthesizers is great. But being able to hear and see – that’s another experience.

And for all the renewed interest in analog modular synthesis for sound, a small but passionate scene is beginning to rekindle interest in visual analog synthesis. I find it inspiring even in how you might think about generative processes and synthesis in the software domain. And – well, it’s just a hell of a lot of fun to look at and use.

In the latest example, we get to tour the basics of synthesis itself through video. If you’re new to this stuff, a promising video series can help you learn. If you’re already a convert, of course, you can admire the gear. Eric writes CDM:

My name is Eric Barry Drasin. I produce a project in Bushwick, Brooklyn called http://fastfoodmusicvideo.tumblr.com which is an
experimental platform for audiovisual production, or an expanded cinema collective. Our focus is on realtime hardware/software,
participatory production tactics and the integration of compositional techniques in organizing our space. We treat the production as the site of performance, using VJ technology to create video, rather then just play it back.

I’ve been doing an analog image processing workshop at Blackhammer Studio this month which is located north of NYC. I’ve started
creating documentation of my process here, Called the Deep Fryer Diaries, and thought you may be interested in it.

The studio is run by Matthew Schlanger, http://lumpybanger.com who created most of the system in the 80’s. He was heavily involved with the Experimental Television Center in New York State and hand built most of his modules.

More videos are coming; stay tuned here, as we’ll be watching!