FLIGHT. from a TWiN thing. on Vimeo.

What makes this motion effect work is what you experience when you close your eyes.

In a clever short film, the directing team TWiN (Jonathan & Josh Baker) imagine shoes that take on a life of their own, as though channeling forces from Tron. Directing that virtual, digital world into ours, they propel the actor – and perhaps suggest a solution to LA’s transit problems. (Eat your heart out, Segway.)

But how do you make such an imaginary vision work? The post-production effects are pretty, but it really takes the sound to deliver their impact – enough so that I think it’s actually worth noting this story under the Motion heading rather than Music. The sound is what conveys the sense of motion.

Joseph Fraioli of jafboxsound writes CDM about the project, observing:

it’s sound design only which is a rare thing 😉 no music or dialog.. theres no production sound at all either. all the foley, backgrounds and of course sound design were done in post.

Full details:

1. the movement or trajectory of a projectile or object through the air
2. the action of fleeing or attempting to escape
3. an extravagant or far-fetched idea
Writer/Director: TWiN (Jonathan & Josh Baker)
Actor: The Tapp Brothers, tappbrothers.com
Producer: Gillian Marr
Production Manager: Justin Towery
Cinematographer: Gareth Jackson
Camera Assistant: David Feeney-Mosier
Production Designer: Pete Zumba
Editor: Ben Suenaga
Sound Design: Joseph Fraioli, jafboxsound.com
CG Artist: Allan McKay
Post Producer: Nancy Nina Hwang
Online/Color: John Shea
EIGHT VFX eightvfx.com
Executive Producer: Baptiste Andrieux
Executive Producer: Shira Boardman
Senior Producer: Peter Nelson
Flame Artists: Tony Petitti, Alex Kolasinski, Philip Ineno
Coordinator: Doug Scruton
Roto & Cleanup: Natalia Schkliar
Douglas Howell, Eric Filler and Joby Barnhart @ rabbitcontent.com
The BLUE8 Stunt Group
Jeremy Scott & Adidas
Bishop T. D. Jakes