

No wooden gingerbread houses and fake snow here. Visualist Joanie Lemercier teamed up with a dream team of artists to transform New York’s Barneys into a shining future fantasy.

In Light Fragments, the city that never sleeps hosted the electronic artist from the City of Light, along with some very fine friends. The audiovisual installation took over Barneys’ show windows and a pop-up gallery.

In “City,” paper, projection mapping, and 3D animation became an imagined skyline, teaming Joanie with artist Davy McGuire.

“Quartz,” with digital rockstar Kyle McDonald, produced a parametric crystalline structure that refracts light into constellations of glowing patterns.

“Atom” with Boris Edelstein, is formed into a lattice of LED-lit plane edges.

Full credits below. Shawn “JAY Z” Carter (yes, that JAY Z) and Barneys New York collaborated with Joanie on windows and a pop-up gallery.

We expect more motion documentation soon, at which point it’ll make sense to talk about the sound, but for now, we can marvel at the images.

The project is a reminder of just how much can be done with form and light; visualist work and digital creation can be about far more than animation on screens.

It’s also great fun to follow Joanie’s Tumblr, as projects take form in prototypes and sketches. Or have a gander inside his notebook for more geometric flights of fancy:









Full credits:

Chapter 1: – City
Art Director: Joanie Lemercier
Artist: Davy McGuire
Sound designer: Thomas Vaquié
Producer: Juliette Bibasse
Fabrication: JL Studio

Chapter 2: – Quartz
Art Director: Joanie Lemercier
Technical designer and developer: Kyle McDonald
Sound designer: Thomas Vaquié
Producers: Julia Kaganskiy
Fabrication: Barneys Studio

Chapter 3: – Atom
Art Director: Joanie Lemercier
Artist: Boris Edelstein
Sound designer: Thomas Vaquié
Designer: Melody Sirman
Producer: Juliette Bibasse
Fabrication: Barneys Studio

Original concept by Romain Tardy & Joanie Lemercier
Directors: Romain Tardy & David Terranova
Director of photography: Rylan Morris Scherer
Sound designer: Thomas Vaquié
Music: RocNation
Producer: Juliette Bibasse
Shooting producer: Julia Kaganskiy
Video production company: Glass Embassy
Fabrication: Barneys Studio