It reads like a “vintage” drifting oscillator, but it’s way more than that. KORG prologue, minilogue xd, and even the stupidly-affordable NTS-1 get a deep, lush 4-oscillator virtual analog gift in the form of Sinevibes’ new Dense.

I got a chance to play with this in pre-release form at Sinevibes HQ last month and – wow, it’s good. So the basic idea comes from pitch drift as indeed happens on unstable vintage analog oscillators. But there’s really a lot more than that:

  • Four independent oscillators – saw, square, triangle waveforms
  • Random pitch drift LFO per oscillator on top of manual detuning
  • Per-key-press global pitch
  • 50 sound source configurations for all parameters
  • Ring mod, bit depth reduction
  • One-pole highpass filter
  • Dedicated sine LFO for vibrato

It’s all eminently tweakable – and of course you can crank settings for extreme and experimental effects, which can sound vintage or shoegaze-y or ambient if you want but can also go in new directions. Crucially, Sinevibes also built-in lag filters so that your tweaks and modulation don’t disrupt you as you play.

I’ve got more to say about how this sounds; stay tuned (next week, hopefully). Think we might even have some video and sound from my visit to Artemiy and Sinevibes. But this is just an incredibly musical, creative option, and it’s another reason to go for a ‘logue-platform device – even just the NTS-1, on a budget.

