Okay, imagine the simplest possible multitrack audio tool. Drag and drop audio files from an integrated browser, and add envelopes. Now imagine this tool free and open-source:

Gungirl Sequencer

At version 0.3, so your mileage may vary, but could be a fun tool to have around — or the beginning of your very own audio tool, if you’ve got the programming chops. Who’s the gun-toting grrrl who created this little gem? Um . . . Richard Spindler. So I’m guessing he didn’t name it after himself. Via AudioMastermind blog, which has been on a roll lately.

Richard also has a simple open-source movie editor project going that looks quite capable. (Also under development; Linux source only.)

Only Gungirl can give you a ghetto rendition of the Ableton Live knobs, however. Enjoy!