It’s all about wiring this into that. So why not connect VIDVOX’s evergreen Mac VJ software to your Eurorack modular, using the LFO and step sequencer as modulation sources? The mind boggles at the potential, and this video shows you how.

VDMX is the Tupperware of VJ apps. You don’t hear about it a lot, but that’s partly because it’s already so deeply capable, and for its loyal user base, has just earned a permanent place in their rig. The semi-modular design is uniquely adaptable to creating your own setup. Of course, the approach here is adaptable to lots of other environments (including fully modular tools like TouchDesigner).

The main breakthrough from the great folks of Vidvox is using a visual tool as the modulation for your music gear. Often, people show “reactive” AV setups – that is, where the visuals just respond to a structure made on the musical side. But it can be very useful to flip the relationship. Once you’re running the step sequencer and LFO in your visual software, you could have the visuals drive the music as a kind of score. Or you could also load AV assets into the VJ app and treat them both at once. Either way, it’s a creative way of approaching the modular synthesis source. (Oh, plus… you could use video modules and use this to sequence analog video output. But I digress.)

That features two of my favorite modules, Noise Engineering Univer Inter as the interface and Buchla & Tiptop Audio 258t Dual Oscillator for some West Coast goodness from this East Coast upstate developer.

Now, while we’ve got your attention, the fine people of Vidvox also have a great read on Sarah Landau, who’s a rockstar artist and production designer, having worked with Childish Gambino, Grimes (not on Rekordbox prep, on visuals), A Perfect Circle, m83 and – name dropping aside, the work for those acts she did looks amazing, frequently mixing visuals and lighting in spectacular ways. Read the interview:

Who is the legendary Sarah Landau?

(PS, I accidentally came across this 2012 tutorial on the step sequencer and LFO which is still relevant and has project files! And there isn’t anything quite like this particular approach in any rival apps.)