Squiggy’s WaveTracker: open-source tracker – and other free tools

WaveTracker is a fun, free tracker for Windows that features wavetable editing, more than 100 instrument macros, and visualization for a glitchy good time. And that brings up the many other free trackers you might try out these days…

Lisbon this week will be a haven for DIY sound, video synthesis, and AV

Against the unlikely backdrop of top horror film festival MOTELx, Lisbon will host a beautiful spectrum of DIY workshops, audiovisual experimentation, video art, and synth building from across Portugal and Europe this week.

Peter Kirn - September 2, 2024

From Ancient Greek to Znameny Chant, a world beyond Western notation

If news of Finale’s demise had you pondering what notation is for – and who it’s for – those are the right questions to ask. And yes, there is a world beyond Common Western Notation.

Peter Kirn - August 28, 2024

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