Robert Henke over the years has been creating a single hard drive with everything he’s ever produced. Here’s a selection of some of those free downloads. Instead of Mono Lake, California, here’s Monolake at Venice Beach:


Field recordings used on this track captured march 2001 at Venice Beach, Los Angeles, CA and at a hotel pool near Big Sur River. Computer voice: Viki MacInthosh. A slightly different 5.1 version of this track is hidden somewhere in the X-Box 360 version of the Spider Man III game. This is more a background loop than a piece of music…

And some other interesting oddities for your download pleasure:

Oh, and the one time Schiphol Airport’s announcement system started to channel Max Headroom (unedited – though yeah I know what my next Max for Live project is):

I would love to see a return to Bloomfeld’s idea of releasing music rediscovered on hard drives. See:

Venice Beach photo (CC-BY-SA) Phliar.