What’s in your bag? Photo courtesy Nathan at Sonic Terrain.

If you want some hope that good things can happen online, look no further than Designing Sound, a blog/online magazine by Miguel Isaza and Jake Riehle. They’ve built a place where pro legends regularly rub shoulders with newcomers eager to learn more.

Now, Miguel has a new site, entitled Sonic Terrain, that promises to do the same for the “art, science, and craft of field recording.” Whereas Designing Sound focused on sound for visual media, Sonic Terrain is really for anyone who wants to take a mic out into the wilds, whether a composer, an amateur, an ecologist – anyone.

The first post is already a must-read, taking on three “missions” for packing your gear:

  • Packing a Handheld Recorder
  • Stealth Recording
  • Packing a Microphone Windscreen

Co-founder Nathan Moody is our kind of artist, with a background in multitouch design as well as multimedia, sound, and music. His existing blog has adventures with parabolic mics, toy helicopters, and much more – all with copious SoundCloud-hosted sound example:


Nathan can take you into a glorious dawn world of ibises and cows in the Sierra Nevada:

Ibises and Cows in Sierra Valley by noisejockey

So, go enjoy!


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(Incidentally, while CDM hosts Designing Sound, we’re otherwise unaffiliated… the template looks like CDM because I installed it as a default choice on our server.)