From the forums, corporation has been kind enough to give us a glimpse at his fantastically cool studio, complete with a nicely-decorated DM2 USB control surface. The Mixman DM2 was intended as a toy for computer DJ newbies, but the hardware feels surprisingly nice and, thanks to apparent overstocks of the DM2, often shows up for as little as US$30. Click through the forum link for another shot and full details of his setup, which is a great example of how to put together an affordable computer setup (and save your money for a nice turntable like the classic Technics 1200mk2).

How do you DJ? [CDM Forums]

Eugene, aka corporation, sends along these additional links:

I dont really have a page for my for my current set up, but i do run the DM2MIDI forum @

I also have a place for my mashups @

I have rare motown acapellas for d/l @

also a future place for my live dm2 mixes @

The mash-ups alone are worth checking out. And if you’re interested in hooking up the DM2 hardware, especially if you’ve got a PC, the DM2MIDI forum is an absolutely essential visit. (As we’ve covered here before, Mixman doesn’t look kindly on DIYers efforts to make their hardware useful. Why? I think Douglas Adams would say they’re “a bunch of mindless jerks who were first up against the wall when the revolution came.” But maybe they’ll come around eventually, and they have made very clever hardware. In other news, CDM should start a Sirius Cybernetics Prize.)