Seven Mantas from bar|none on Vimeo.

You’ve got fingers. Those fingers are incredibly sensitive and expressive with pressure, which can translate to music. Happily, touch panels and velocity sensitivity can coexist, as we saw yesterday.

There’s more where that came from. bar none points us, via Twitter, to work he’s doing with Ableton Live-controlling patch 7upLive and the Manta touch instrument (also mentioned yesterday).

Added Snyderphonics Manta support to SevenUpLive 2.0.x beta this weekend. The beauty here is that you get velocity sensitivity on the plates and SevenUp can use that in its pattern recorders. The Manta supports polyphonic-aftertouch as well which I plan to add to SevenUp later.

This jam was just a fast improv to show off. Everything in the track was sequenced and performed live with the Manta and SevenUpLive. Tracked to 2-track, no edits besides start and end fades.

For more touch action, Adam at CCRMA (the music research end of Stanford) has his own project using ribbon controllers. Picture below; see a detailed photoessay of the build. Nice work.