A synth built around sonic exploration: Elmyra2, desktop and Eurorack

It’s the launch day for Neutral Labs’ Elmyra2, a hybrid digital-analog “platform for microtonal sonic exploration.” From experimental sounds and timbral play to ambient soundscapes and drones, this one looks promising. (And yes, it’s a sequel, though going way beyond the original.) This is a rich synth platform, 4-voice digital-analog hybrid with 31 modulation targets, […]

Olivia Artz Time Machine makes the multi-tap delay tactile and modular

Now in its final hours on Kickstarter, Time Machine is a unique and essential Eurorack rendition of the classic multi-tap delay. And it’s also the project of a growing group of queer inventors, from the co-creator of the original Dark Sky – meaning Olivia is now returning to Kickstarter after 12 years.

Peter Kirn - June 22, 2023

R-Kontrol, the iOS controller for Bitwig Studio, gets big updates to Clips, Scenes, Remote Control

If you already own a big iOS device, it’s tough to beat that display and touch controls for navigating projects. R-Kontrol, an independent control app for Bitwig Studio, just added some gorgeous improvements for clip launching and Remote Controls for your Effects Slots and Device Chains.

Peter Kirn - June 14, 2023

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