Lift your glasses and toast your synthesizer, because evidently drinking and synthesis just go together.

First up, the folks at Moog Music have put out a limited edition bubbly with their new Little Phatty synth on the label, as pictured here from the Moog Music newsletter. They have reason to celebrate: the Little Phatty synths are on their way out of Moog headquarters. Keyboard Magazine evidently got serial number 1; I don’t know who nabbed it (Steve?), but I look forward to the review.

I don’t know what was in that bottle, but I learned last week from a friend of Charles Dodge that the pioneering composer and inventor is now running a vineyard in his spare time, in Vermont. (Dodge was once based in New York but now teaches at Dartmouth.) It’s not called Dodge Vineyards, but whatever it is I’ll find out more about this wine from one of the world’s great synthesists.

Lastly, if you like drinking delicious beer while you work at your synthesizer, this TV ad by The Price is Right theme composer Edd Kalehoff demonstrates that nothing goes with your Moog modular quite like a nice, cold Schaefer beer. It’s the beer to have “when you’re having more than one.” (Brilliant beer slogan, second only to what I presume they rejected — “Schaefer, for when you’re planning on getting totally sloshed and want something cheap!”)

Brilliant; thanks to Tom from Music thing for the scoop. If you enjoy this, don’t miss the Moog Movie that featured it.

I sure know I like to have a cu-hold one at my side as I work away at the synth. (Oddly, WFPK Louisville is playing “I’m Not Drunk Enough to Say I Love You / So Won’t You Let Me Buy Another Round” as I write this. What is this, alcohol abuse day?)

Our friend proem, meanwhile, comes to the defense of laptop musicians smoking in a controversy over on the forums. Got a favorite vice you want to let us know about? I mean, synth-related vice? (Other than overusing presets.)