Dylan’s poetic non-sequiturs make great t-shirts. Something about his recent complaints just beg to be turned into brilliant designs. Arru, a breakdancing Swedish musician and designer, is the first to respond to our Dylan design challenge with these gems:

Bob Dylan puts it thusly [boombox.se]

Truly great work, Arru! I’m not sure whether to throw these on a t-shirt or print stickers and apply them to my jewel cases. (Or, even better, slip them onto the CD racks at the local Starbucks.) But if you are thinking of t-shirts, my friends over at Make have a great tutorial:

DIY t-shirt designs [Make video]

Here’s the original quote:

â€Å“New records … have sound all over them.â€Â?

â€Å“CDs are small. There’s no stature to it.â€Â?

CDM forums thread on Dylan
Wired on Dylan quotes