Ed.: The global visualist community is more underground than people outside the scene may realize. LPM is an essential event in which these artists come together. Events have tended to be in Europe, but now it’s North America’s turn — the other “United States,” the Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Live Performers Meeting won’t be making their sixth edition in Rome as before, nor even Europe, but rather Xalapa, Mexico. LPM came out of the flxer community, a network of vjs using the flxer flash vj software and sharing content through its online system, and now the Mexican contingent have stepped up to the plate. So if you’re on the American continent and want to play and progress your game amongst many of your peers, go check the site out and see if you can make it – the last LPM programmed 240 artists on 13 screens over four days, in gothic-yet-with-high-quality-VGA-routing splendour.

If you want to see the report from LPM Roma 2008, its freshly posted here at cdm, and the archive website with a photostream and videos is at http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2008/gallery/

LPM site: http://liveperformersmeeting.net

LPM Mexico permalink: http://liveperformersmeeting.net/2008mex/