We’ve got some fantastic people coming tomorrow night to the event at Etsy Labs, co-organized by Etsy, Create Digital Music, and Make. If you’re in the area, hope you’ll be one of those fantastic people! And bringing along cool projects — whether it’s a Reaktor or Max patch or a hacked-up QWERTY keyboard or a home-built synth — is definitely welcome. If you want to make sound, bring along some cables and, if you can, small speakers. (We’ll also have the PA, but since much of the night is science fair-style, small speakers are a must.)

Where: Etsy Labs, downtown-ish Brooklyn (see also: blog)
How to get there: By train or bus. Directions, Map. The 2/3 train is also nearby; that’s how I get there.
When: 8pm onward (very informal, so dropping in late is okay… just not too late)
Who should come: Anyone and everyone! Bring toys or come empty-handed and enjoy. Just be sure to RSVP to rsvp@etsy.com if possible.

As last time, too, we’ll be sharing everything we learn project-wise with you, so wherever you are in the world, we’ll make sure you enjoy the event, too.

Here’s the video from March: