From a completely different musical pole, it’s nice to follow up Jelena Glazova’s thoughts about vocals, poetry, and Dada with a dance track, Noah Pred’s “Loss for Words.” Transplanted from Toronto to Berlin, Thoughtless Music’s Noah Pred has helmed one of the smarter dance labels out there, channeling energies to and from the German capital and Canadian scene (Noah himself is American-born). Now, he’s back with a solo release I’ve been eagerly anticipating, having taken a side trip to Get Physical for the False Image project with Tom Clark. Tim Xavier and Hrdvsion join, two other friends to watch, join.

If Jelena made vocals into abstract sound poetry, Noah turns his into percussion, in singing beats can inspire you to dance.

If you happen to be in Berlin, Thoughtless will hold their fifth anniversary here on Friday at Farbfernseher. I’m equally excited that Create Digital Motion will host a visual collaboration with Mr. Pred later this month; details on that will be announced soon, but the notion is to use music as a springboard for visual performance, showcasing what’s possible in live visualism.

Don’t miss the catchy, glitchy, geometric video, which has a certain resemblance to a Max for Live plug-in I wrote about recently. Sounds healthy to me: I think our music production and visual production tools are long overdue in a merging of concerns, particularly in an age when producing visuals is more relevant than a concept like “CD mastering.”

Thoughtless Music

Thoughtless 77: Loss for Words
