Robotic Drum Set and Analog Bass from K X on Vimeo.

Put down that mouse. Here’s Drum and Bass, reimagined in analog hardware, with a robotic drum kit. Keep watching – it gets fairly crazy a few moments in.

And there’s more. If you like this track, you can help support the travel expenses of its creator to present the whole project at London’s NIME conference (New Interfaces for Musical Expression).


Inside the tech setup:

This is drum & bass piece performed live using an automated drum kit and other percussion, playing together with a selection of vintage and new analog synthesizers.
All the sound is being generated in real time, the analog synths coming through the main rack mixer and the robotic percussion being recorded by microphones.
List of the main gear used :
Modulars : Roland System 100m (sub bass), Roland System 700 (basses), Doepfer system (stabs and atmospheric sound).
Other Synths : Yamaha CS-10 (more basses), Studio Electronics Omega 8 (chords and atmospheric sound), Korg Monotron Duo (more basses).
If you would like to download the audio file, you can do so at where you can find it in high-quality formats on a pay-what-you-like basis. All proceeds will go towards supporting a trip to London to present a paper about musical robotics at NIME 2014.

And here’s that Bandcamp self-release:

A couple of years ago, we saw an earlier iteration of this project; it’s nice to see how it has evolved since then.

Analog Drum ‘n Bass from K X on Vimeo.

Brilliant work. Now you might not want to hear drum and bass any other way.

Thank you, Sarah Farina (human).