While you’re shooting that new footage (or reorganizing the old stuff) to submit to iStockVideo, you may like to keep something in mind: Green.


Green is the theme for DVGuru’s first video contest. In putting this together they’re hoping to fill the void left by the demise of WeeklyDV.

Word: Green
Due Date: Monday, August 7th (two weekends to work)
Winners will be announced soon thereafter.

Prizes? This is just a test run to see what kind of reaction we get, so no prizes this time. Maybe in the future but I make no promises.
Time limit? The shorter the better I suppose, but there really is no hard time limit to speak of.
Now go out and create!

I personally think putting up a prize – no matter how token – will result in more entries and more fun stuff to watch, so in that spirit CDMotion has offered to sponsor the competition. We’ll see how that pans out, but in the meantime:
