I’m here in San Francisco all week at Macworld, a hub not only for the Mac platform but the visualist/VJ scene as well. I’ll be reporting all week (and next, as I catch up) for both CDMotion and CDMusic. This is a huge chance to learn about Flash (Flashforward is hosting a special Macworld edition), as well as Jitter, Processing, Quartz Composer, and Motion, some of which you can catch at a free event/party Thursday night even if you don’t have a Macworld badge.

And, of course, over the next two weeks and beyond I’ll be exporting as much of this goodness to the CDMs so everyone can enjoy it.

I’ll be around all week, but here are the events in which I’m personally involved (Cross-posting this from CDMusic; feel free to catch me at any event):


11:30 AM Zoom-In Podcast Recording: I put on my pundit hat and get to pontificate about whatever it is Steve has planned for Apple’s shindig tomorrow. I’ll have a link to the finished show.

1-1:45 PM Real World Digital Audio at Peachpit Press: I’ll be doing a short, free demo and Q&A for my book Real World Digital Audio at the Peachpit booth. Check out the full event schedule at Peachpit, as it looks like a really terrific lineup. Graham Nash (yes, he of Crosby, Stills &, Crosby Stills … & Young and Crosby & fame) will even be there, though talking digital photography, not music. (Peachpit has a huge lineup of CDMotion-friendly books, so I may be cramming a few into my suitcase and offering reviews and interviews with the authors soon!)


11 AM-12:15 PM Playful Animation and Motion Graphics that React: I’ll be talking interactive visuals and VJing from video to animation, with examples in Jitter, Processing, and Flash. This requires a User Conference or better badge to attend. (Stay tuned for more resources here on Motion.)

6 PM – 2 AM Backlit Lounge Music Party: Create Digital Music will be co-sponsoring Backlit Lounge, a regular music event in SF that features a number of CDM readers. I’ll play a feature set at 10pm, likely to be Ableton Live-based with some keys. Free to everyone — no Macworld badge required.


7:30 PM – 1:30 AM Video Lounge: It’s edutainment: sessions on live visuals, followed by an open jam, with cheap drinks! The Video Lounge will feature presentations from myself, top international VJ Grant Davis (VJ Culture) on using Apple Motion as a performance apps, and Quartz Composer developer Pierre-Olivier Latour on his own software. I’ll be talking about assembling visual sets using Jitter and performing them with tthe Wii controller for some wireless control.


Music Technology Market Symposium: A market symposium makes it sound like we’re going to be talking about how to make money. Don’t be fooled. An all-star lineup will spend all day playing, demoing, and chatting. I hope to follow this up with some CDM interviews, so expect this to continue right onto CDMusic.

New flickr Group!

flickr addicts, you can now post images to CDM’s new flickr group. Tag them with Macworld, and everyone can find your hands-on images of the iPhone and unflattering photos of me performing. I’ll be uploading regularly to the group, as well.

(There’ a music group, as well, naturally.)

More on the flickr group soon; since Mo is by definition a visual site I hope all of us will have projects to share up there soon.