We will have more extensive coverage of this coming very soon as Toby*Spark brings us a write-up of the Node08, Mapping and Vision’R festivals.

However, for those who like their news to be the breakingest: Le Collagiste has some stills and video of Resolume 3 at Vision’R, running natively in OS X on a Macbook Pro! [Ed.: In case you’re not clear why that’s big news, this version goes cross-platform after a formerly Windows-only existence.] The next version of Resolume also includes audio playback and other tasty treats. No word yet on a release schedule, but this looks like an upgrade worth waiting for. (Thanks Jasper).

Ed.: Here’s a teaser video of Resolume 3 from our friends at Le Collagiste, with some fleeting glimpses of the new UI, as part of their French-language write-up of the presentation.

Resolume Avenue 3 from LeCollagiste on Vimeo.