MGFest, the Motion Graphics Festival, continues its multi-city tour March 5-8 (next weekend), on its way to Boston / Cambridge, Massachusetts. The whole conference is just US$7 for all the events.

Here’s a quick look at the schedule and highlights:

  • Screenings: if you’re ready to see motion reels on a big screen instead of YouTube, there will be screenings Thursday and Friday 12-2 in Harvard Square.
  • Thursday: A meetup at the Daedalus bar/pub in Cambridge, followed by a field trip to check out the Shepard Fairey show at the ICA.
  • Friday: Workshops during the afternoon at MassArt; I know Vidvox’s David Lublin will be on-hand to talk vdmx.
  • Friday night: Live performance showcase – I’ll be playing an audiovisual set with some handmade visual software, Joshue Ott will be doing tablet-generated superDrawings in 3D, Morgan Packard will be creating beautiful soundscapes with his self-made Ripple software, and there will be Wii-controlled sacred geometries, psychedelic stuff, and conference founder and VJ Mason Dixon. Good stuff. Performance details.
  • Saturday night: installations – lots of work shown in the Axion Gallery, Cambridge, 6-10p. Don’t know what we’ll see, but looking forward to finding out.

The only part of the conference you can’t get into for $7 are the intensive workshops, which run $120 for a full day. I’m doing Processing, and there are also workshops on Cinema4D, 3D workflows in Adobe Creative Suite, and After Effects expressions.

Josh and Morgan were fantastic last night here in NYC; more on their event this week.

We’re also planning a little intensive geeking out next weekend, so I’ll be sure to report back on that.

Photos at top: a lineup of music and visual gear for the Chicago showcase (photo: me), the obligatory guy with laptop with projections photo of me (courtesy MGFest).