Off-topic, but this is just too cool to pass up — and there's a CDM tie-in, too. Regular reader Cris 'Atariboy,'
the musician/graphic designer who did the UI for music software
like Rax, Zebra, and Bidule, has been busy. Via plasq, the folks who brought us the Musolomo live sampler instrument, comes Comic Life, a new application for converting your iPhoto library or other image files into beautiful comic books. So, when will see the first CDM photo comics?
(read more)

The app is stunning: just drag images from your library to default
templates, drag in thought/speech bubbles, captions, and sound effect
words (POW!), and you've got an instant comic book from your own
images. Freeform-drag and stretch things around and you can create any
look you want, then share via various standard formats for Web
or email distribution or print via Kodak. I've been playing with a
pre-release version for couple of days now, and it's terribly
addictive. There's another CDM tie-in: the whimsical use of sound effects in the interface itself is actually really amusing, not annoying. (Something to consider, interface designers!)

You can even publish your comics as an RSS feed.

US$39.95; see plasq for details and grab it from the downloads page

createdigitalmusic Photo Comics: Anyone interested in
creating some audio-themed photo comics for us? Suddenly music
conferences and synthesis become HILARIOUS. 🙂