Brave New Old from Adam Wells on Vimeo.

In electronic animation, there really are no limits to space or object. The challenge can become, then, grounding motion in the physical. Adam Wells sends CDM his short “Brave New World,” which has been making the festival circuit. It takes a novel approach, setting the action in minimalist, toy-like objects, and setting the entire stage for the work as a rotating box.

For the artist, the work has been an experiment in storytelling, he says. It recalls for me physical toy theater, the puppet-based tradition of setting theatrical storytelling in miniature, self-contained toy prosceniums. Does that have a Wikipedia story so you know what I’m talking about? Why, yes. Yes, it does. The other name for this theatrical form seems particularly apt for approaching motion works: “model theater.”

Music by Luke Davoll.

Adam is a UK-based artist; find a screening schedule and more work at his site: