The MeeBlip project reaches some important milestones this year – and we get to say thanks, and celebrate with a sale. And, really, why do that for one day called “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday” or “Arbitrary Discount Saturday Dusk Hour”? Let’s just do it for the whole rest of the month.

MeeBlip quietly turned six years old this month. That’s special in that it marks a collaboration between CDM and creator James Grahame (Blipsonic). But it also means we’ve managed to build a line of end user synthesizers that are free and open source. This isn’t a kit, it isn’t a module, and you don’t have to know or care about code or circuits. It’s ready to play as an instrument. But you’re also investing in hardware whose designs are open and under open licenses.

Sharing knowledge is what built the world of electronic music. So we think you deserve at least some products you can learn from and adapt and make without having to ask permission.

Speaking of which, the other milestone this month is that we’ve posted all those design and code files to our GitHub site. There’s even an update with some tweaks to improve triode (and we’ll upgrade early adopters for the cost of a chip + postage):

But as I said, none of that has to matter. We want the MeeBlip to be for everybody – including people trying synth hardware for the first time.

And so we’ve also got everything on sale for the rest of the month. Red November means:

Free shipping to the USA and Canada. (Affordable shipping worldwide.)

The lowest pricing of the year for everything.

MeeBlip triode, the little synth with an analog filter and big bass sound (and new sub oscillator). $149.95 $129.95

BlipCase, the carrying and performance system for all your little music gear – MeeBlip, volcas, Roland Boutique, and more.
$79.95 $69.95
$229.95 $199.95 bundled with triode

And from our friends at independent Canadian maker iConnectivity, there’s the mio USB to MIDI interface, which adds MIDI to anything for just $29.95 on sale. (It’s an essential accessory for the MeeBlip, volcas, and loads of other synths.)

Shop now at, shipped direct

One friendly early adopter sent some shots of how much fits in the BlipCase - OP-1, volca, Roland Boutique TB-03, Kaossilator, Blue Mic, and oh yeah, MeeBlip, of course.

One friendly early adopter sent some shots of how much fits in the BlipCase – OP-1, volca, Roland Boutique TB-03, Kaossilator, Blue Mic, and oh yeah, MeeBlip, of course.

Now, if you do spot Cyber Monday / Black Friday deals, or if you’re collecting them, or offering them, do send them our way! Let’s spread synthesis.

Speaking of – here’s our friend Olivier with yet another wonderful jam:

Shop MeeBlip