Presumably, very smart people are working on Artificial Intelligence, and soon even my clumsy prose will be replaced by a bot. Until then, though, readily available bot code spits out random text like a combination of magnetic poetry, William S. Burroughs, and a feline on catnip walking across a laptop.

Of course, sometimes the results are simply beautiful in their absurdity. (For more on this phenomenon, check Horse ebooks. Relevant: “Is the dance floor calling? No” … “unfortunately, as you probably already know, people”)

Such is the case for The Black Madonna – the being the acclaimed international DJ with outspoken attitudes on the role of marginalized groups in music and the army of pointless naysaying trolls to match.

Sorry, my own bot may have written the last line; I went out for a beer. Don’t worry, if you don’t know who The Black Madonna is, it’s worth finding out – and the tweets below will still be no less, in my view, profound.

Let us marvel:

Identity politics:


Speaks on so many levels, really:

Any article mentioning anything to do with techno needs the cliched references to Berlin’s coolest club:


On justice:

But don’t mess with The Black Madonna, either.


Understanding life’s meaning:

If you’re curious about her name:

Touring life:

The Internet:

And my favorite:

Bonus – this one needs to be turned into a house track:

Oh yeah, this is a music site, so do enjoy some mix to get you through the end of Friday from The Black Madonna:

We Still Believe

Now, all I want in the world is to learn silly Twitterbot programming. Who’s with me?