After the madness of The Edge launch, I can now get back to doing some of the CDMo things I’ve been neglecting. One of which is actually talking to visualists who are touring around the world. Tonight I’ll be getting back to that, speaking to Joakim Faxvaag, who’s currently touring Australia with Phoenix.

Joakim comes from a lighting design background, and integrates live cameras, Quartz Composer and pre-produced visuals using VDMX (on CDMo) and Kineme‘s ArtDMX to control lighting and visuals together.

Harrys Gym – Top Of The Hill – Live Sentrum Scene, By:Larm 2009 from Joakim Faxvaag on Vimeo.

I’ll be catching up with Joakim this evening before the show. So if you have any questions you’d like put to a touring visualist, hit the comments.

And if you, yourself, are a Touring Visualist, and you’re coming past me in Brisbane or Peter in New York, drop us a line so we can catch up and share what you’re doing with the rest of the community!