As some thought my post about Pd was meant to convey all available free software, I am rounding up the major free applications, open source applications, and commercial applications for DIY sound-making. (Wasn’t my original idea, but, hey — good idea!) We’ve covered them routinely, but it would be great to have them linked from one place as an ongoing feature. Will get this up by the beginning of next week, and if you have any more suggestions (so far got votes in for SynthEdit, Pd, SuperCollider, Csound, and SoundHack in the free DIY category), give me a holler!

And yes, qualifying free-as-in-beer versus free-as-in-open-source so you can edit the code is important. Well, not to me, given my last “Hello, World” application didn’t even work, but to some of you, anyway! (In the meantime, my free patcher app of choice remains Pd, so I’ll have to check in later in the month with a round-up of must-have externals.)

For those of you who have no idea what any of this is, don’t fret — CDM is not spontaneously going to all-advanced-apps all the time.