Broken Fingaz -Graffiti Stop Motion from Broken Fingaz on Vimeo.

The Glitch Mob, a talented team of musical artists based in LA, are readying their debut album, and along with that comes a range of collaborations with visual materials, too. I covered The Glitch Mob’s upcoming activities, complete with a free song download from the upcoming album, over on Create Digital Music. That includes some details of how they’re handling multiple laptop performers at once, work with the Lemur touchscreens, and sync and collaboration issues — all equally relevant to visuals as to music. (In fact, it’s worth a gander at their Lemur touch controls if you have any interest in performing visuals with touch, on Lemur or another device.)

The Glitch Mob: Tour, Free Single Download, Multiple Laptops + Lemurs

Here, we get to see what’s happening on the visual side:

First animation clip from Tant and Unga of the “broken fingaz crew” from Israel.
Music by Boreta and edIT of The Glitch Mob

I never get tired of watching stop motion illustration in any medium, graffiti included.

It’s wonderful to see collaboration between people working in digital media and traditional media; it’s all visuals. Definitely check out some of the other work by the Broken Fingaz guys on their blog, and Happy Passover, guys. Their blog: