Enough talk about free software – back to some actual visuals. German visualist Max Hattler sends us his latest visual reel, a live A/V set performed in Serbia, and it’s a brilliant diversion. Textured geometries meld and blink in lovely combinations of hard-edged abstraction and painterly layers. It’s all done in vvvv, the graphical patching tool for Windows, the tool that, while it fails to be a household name, generates loads of optical output. I really enjoy the sounds, too. Much is made on our companion site Create Digital Music of what performances look like, but surely there’s also appeal to some of us in getting lost in the experience of sound and image.

Thanks, Max! Keep those sets coming in…

Max Hattler (visuals) + Ocusonic (audio)
Live at Videomedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia, 18 Dec 2010
40’00” live a/v performance
4’14” excerpt (Noodle Soup)
