Spherikal from Ion on Vimeo.

Speaking of Cinema 4D and eye candy, here’s a lovely set of etudes on the sphere, a compelling example of the many ways one can approach a modeling problem.

Remarkably, the whole project was just a student project, but quickly ascended to popularity among the discerning eyeballs of the Vimeo community. It could be worth a visit any time your imagination is a bit stuck on doing something differently. Spanish artist Ion Lucin describes the work thusly:

This is a small animation a did as an exercise to experiment and explore all the graphical possibilities of representing the idea of the SPHERE, always thinking in searching Gestalt and form. Its all done in 3d, but i was more interested in the graphical interest, flatten the surfaces, and only two colors, why more.The most difficult was to achieve the transitions between the different type of representation of the sphere, the morphing and metamorphosing.
For the description of the project, all these frames plus the frames from the scenes that weren’t included, visit – behance.net/gallery/Spherikal/3565597
It was all done in Cinema 4d R13, all with the Mograph module. Comositing and post in After Effects
Sound : Brand X Music

More on the artist:

Motion Graphics, Animation: https://vimeo.com/user5047277
Artwork – iosa.deviantart.com/gallery/
Graphic Design – be.net/ionL