This is Loopcam from Loopcam on Vimeo.

Having looked earlier this week at the historical saga and artistic development of the animated GIF, here’s one mobile app for iPhone that lets you easily create these on the go. (Some readers will translate that as a “grab a lot of footage for your next VJ set” tool for your pocket.)

LOOPC.AM is a free iPhone app, a Berlin-based startup produced by Stockholm-born developer Tor Rauden Källigsten.

It’s amusing watching the dot-com scene’s take on this sort of thing. To us, the need for animated GIF tools is self-evident. To those whose sole value of worth is venture funding (cough), you get headlines like this: Stops Being A Gimmick And Starts Getting Funding

But there’s also a nice interview with the developer by Betahaus, the collaborative Berlin coworking space at which I’ve been based temporarily since the fall (until, as it happens, today, as we begin the move to a more permanent location).

START UP OF THE WEEK: LOOPC.AM [Betahaus Blog; English only — see German-language coverage from none other than news outlet Spiegel]

This raises a question, though: do you have a mobile capture tool for these kinds of short loops that you like? Do you prefer just using built-in video cameras? Do you skip the phone entirely and stick only to dedicated cameras? What do you use on Android, since some of those devices also have lovely cameras, too (at last)?

Do let us know.

And stay tuned here.

CDM: bringing you temporary blips and gimmicks, entirely funding-free, since 2004.

Ooh… maybe I could build an app to make Temporary Blips. Those sound interesting.