Human connections are what make the community around creative music and live visual technology matter. Since we don’t get to meet, here’s one chance to meet up virtually.

Previously, this time of year might have brought us together at events like Superbooth and Ableton Loop in Berlin – and I had originally planned travel to Russia, Greece, and more, as well. That travel is worthwhile partly because it’s tough to substitute for face-to-face communication.

That said, I’ve always been one to enjoy working a bit slowly. I like reading and taking time. I like writing rather than live streaming. I enjoy great still photos sometimes instead of video. I appreciate putting off listening to music weeks or months so I can find the right moment, close my eyes, put on headphones, and really get lost. So yeah, this idea that everything should be a multi-way Zoom chat or Facebook or YouTube stream is a bit strange to me.

Even when we’re together at events, there’s never enough time.

So if you’re a manufacturer – or artist, or just reader – with something on your mind, let us know. It’s the equivalent of grabbing a beer or Club-Mate and having a chat. And of course, some of you have never been able to come somewhere like Berlin, so now here’s our chance – in some weird way, we’re all the same distance from one another.

I have no idea what will get talked about here, but I promise some responses in the next couple of weeks, and to cover what I can on the site – slow style. And yeah, I’m keen to know what you’re doing just to pass the time, CDM related or not.

Also, if you do like streams, I’m on tonight with Hainbach on his live stream – plus Ableton are doing #loopathome on their channel, too.

Stay safe and healthy, thanks to all our CDM readers working on the front lines from health care to grocery lines, stay in touch.

Got some other ideas around this, too, but this was more fun than just asking for you to do a video stream or just send in news.

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