Bart of art collective iduun shares his team’s latest audiovisual performance, Kadâmbini. It’s part live cinema, part music – object – theater, and powered by Modul8 with a fair bit of custom monome wizardry.

The Paris-based artist tells us more:

I’d like to introduce you our new work, Kadâmbini. It’s an audiovisual and cinema show. A meeting between the art of the stage
and the digital technologies. The show combines handling of objects, sounds, mapping and video on stage; a film, a poetic universe, a story
is uprising in front of the public, directly inspired by the universes of Lewis Carroll, Homer, Saint-Exupery and Terry Gilliam.

The show as been created by the collective iduun; Barthélemy Antoine-Loeff, Alexandra Petracchi, Charles Dubois and Philippe Chaurand ‘Anome’. And it has been finalist of the Paris Young Talents Price 2011. It is actually supported by the label Avoka Production:

All information and videos about the show can be found here:

Of course, we are using great stuff we’ve made for Modul8 such as the Monomal Module and the brand new software dedicated to show like that, Millumin, created by Anome (Philippe Chaurand).

It’s really enchanting work. I love seeing this sort of live cinematic construction – visual performance as theater, cinema as musical instrument. It’s yet more evidence that live visuals can go far beyond just queuing up video clips. (More on that in a subsequent story from the slightly-more-violent group The Erasers.)