You can look forward to an entirely new CDM soon, addressing the problems we’ve had in our first year. Think more reliable rendering on different browsers, an attractive new look, easier access to articles, better commenting and discussion, and more feature, how-to, and review content.

But first, I think it’s time to investigate a new blogging platform, after zillions of problems with Mambo. Here’s my wish list, if anyone with experience cares to comment on a platform that meets these requirements:

  • Easy categorization via tags
  • Full commenting support
  • Automatic graphics handling and other media
  • API access for blog entries
  • Trackbacks
  • Multiple entry points with multiple RSS
  • Ability to integrate discussion engine (not just for stories)

  • Any suggestions? Movable Type and WordPress both come to mind. Of course, I’ll also have to move the content over, but I’ll leave the existing Mambo engine in place for full backwards compatibility.